TiNoRent / cars rental / Italy / Abruzzo


March 27, 10:00
March 29, 10:00
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Abruzzo is located in the central eastern part of Italy, between the Central Apennines and the Adriatic Sea. Although geographically located right in the center of Italy, Abruzzo lives of traditions, cultures, their dialects of Southern Italy. The climate of Abruzzo is strongly influenced by the presence of the Apennine mountain range-Central, which divides the climate of the coast and the hills sub-Apennine mountain ranges from that of internal higher.

Dal mare adriatico al massiccio del Gran Sasso

Arriving at the airport of Pescara, known as "International Airport of Abruzzo" the only international airport of the region, you can rent a car from Pescara airport and start the tour with a view of the Adriatic Sea on one side and the majestic Grand Sasso other. The car rental in Abruzzo is facilitated by the presence of RentalUp inside the airport terminal, where you can book any vehicles and you can visit the whole region. In Pescara can also be reached by sea, docking at the port of the city, where if you want, the site will allow us to find the quay your rental car.

La fontana delle 99 cannelle dell'Aquila

Recently, on the occasion of the G8, has been renovated and updated the airport "Of Parks" located in the village of Preturo. Primarily it was used for flights to the presidential famous international conference is now open to civilian flights. Despite the earthquake in recent years has devastated the city, the number of visitors has remained unchanged, a sign that the works of inestimable value were left standing or have been restored completely, expanding its capabilities by offering the visitor the opportunity to hire a car  at L'Aquila to leave for the beautiful scenery in the city and its province. Once at the center, is a must visit to the symbol of the city, "The Fountain of 99 Spouts. Also called the fountain of the Rivierare presents the 99 castles who participated in the foundation of 'Aquila in the thirteenth century.

La metamorfosi di Campo Imperatore

The plateau of Campo Imperatore, located at about 1800 meters above sea leve is an example of seasonal metamorphosis of the place. In spring and summer it is flowery and green. The paths trails allow to hikers to make the long and pleasant walks. In winter, lowering the temperature turns it into a beautiful ski area, where you can ski. The town of Teramo, capital of the province, is known for its 16 districts, all to visit with a means, such as a rented car conveniently by RentalUp. To see, the beautiful squares, each designed with its own style as the market place is one of the most famous and popular of the city, now a Piazza Orsini, is the green center of the city, the center with the famous "Fountain of the two lions." For those who arrive in the city of Abruzzo can hire a low cost car in Teramo to

Chieti, la città di Achille

Chieti is located in the central-eastern of Abruzzo, 330 meters above sea level, on a hill which divides the waters of the river Pescara (north) from the river Alento (south).  Place of birth of the 'CEO of Fiat, Marchionne, Chieti recently gave a boost to its economy, and is still considered the economic hub of the most interesting of Abruzzo. Its history is ancient, in fact, is one of the oldest cities in Italy.Chieti founded according to the legend narrated in 1181 BC by the legendary hero Achilleswho gave the name of Teate, while other legends about the origins of Chieti tell which was founded by people in honor of the nymph Thetis. With car rental in Chieti, you can visit places of interest of this city in fact, it is easily seated in the car as : the Villa Comunale, built by Baron Frigerj and sold in 1864 to the town of Chieti; Marrucino Theatre, opened in 1818 under the name of Real Teatro San Ferdinando in honor of the Lord of the Two Sicilies Ferdinand I of Bourbon.

Pescara : polo economico italiano

One of the major cities of the region is without a doubt, Pescara which is the strong point of the entire region, we must remember that it is one of the most prominent centers of central Italy for the commercial traffic and business applications. To visit, of course, with car hire in Pescara offered by  RentalUp, the beautiful and incomparable structures of different ages in the cities: the Cathedral of St. Cetteo, built between 1933 and 1938, strongly supported by Gabriele d'Annunzio; the Church of the Sacro Cuore, The bathroom is the old prison Bourbon Kingdom of the Two Sicilies, who incorporated inside the remains of the Norman and Byzantine walls. For those arriving by plane in the city of Abruzzo, can drive and hire car from the international airport of Pescara.