- Provincia de Buenos Aires
- Provincia de Catamarca
- Provincia del Chaco
- Provincia del Chubut
- Provincia de Córdoba
- Provincia de Corrientes
- Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
- Provincia de Entre Ríos
- Provincia de Formosa
- Provincia de Jujuy
- Provincia de La Pampa
- Provincia de La Rioja
- Provincia de Mendoza
- Provincia de Misiones
- Provincia del Neuquén
- Provincia de Río Negro
- Provincia de Salta
- Provincia de San Juan
- Provincia de San Luis
- Provincia de Santa Cruz
- Provincia de Santa Fe
- Provincia de Santiago del Estero
- Provincia de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur
- Provincia de Tucumán
Argentina has about forty million inhabitants. Its capital is the beautiful Buenos Aires (three million inhabitants). It is a federal republic and borders with Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean. It has a very particular territory : about four thousand kilometers of different landscapes, cultures and climates. It goes from the Andes, a beautiful mountain range with very high peaks, the impressive and amazing Iguazu waterfalls, as well as many lakes and forests of Patagonia.
Argentina: monuments, beaches and unique sites
So you can start your journey into the wonderful beauty of Argentina.
Your journey in Argentina can start from Buenos Aires, visiting primarily Plaza de Mayo and Avenida de Mayo. Beautiful is the Metropolitan Cathedral, as well as the Palace of Congress. Two other places of great interest in the capital are the famous Obelisk and the beautiful Teatro Colon, as well as the widest street in the world (about ten meters), Avenida 9 de Julio. In the northern part of Buenos Aires are other beautiful places such as Florida and Lavalle, large areas , as well as Liberador Plaza General San Martin and then the magnificent Torre de Los Ingleses (a sort of copy of Big Ben). The beaches of Buenos Aires are beautiful: big, spacious and relaxation are guaranteed! The whole bay is presented in a very large and comfortable. With a hire car you can then move to San Telmo, the neighborhood where there are lots of artists. Or in La Boca (founded by Italians), the Recoleta, an elegant little town where is present Cementerio, which contains the remains of some of the most famous people in Argentina. Guests can also visit other beautiful places, such as Pueto Iguazu, Rio Paraná, Puerto Madryn, the Penisula Valdes Peninsula Wildlife Reserve, National Park Los Glaciares, El Calafate and Lake Argentino.
Argentina: food and fun
Among the uses and customs of Argentina, stands the Mate. A real reason to take a break, a "tea party" for all of Argentina is a ritual at the national level.
Immense fun in Argentina: from the amusement parks located in Cordoba (the Serena), to that of Rosario (International Park), without forgetting the Park Coast capital. Many locals as disco-pubs where you can meet young people but also people in later life, who engage in the great tradition of tango. Everything that happens on the premises of Buenos Aires, Mendoza, Santa Fe, Cordoba, La Pampa, Nequen.